April 7–10 | 8701 World Center Dr. Orlando, FL 32821

The largest damage prevention event in North America brings together industry leaders, professionals, and stakeholders to advance safety, collaboration, and innovation in protecting underground infrastructure.

Visit us at:

- Booth 401
- Denver Meeting Room | Private Meetings
- San Francisco Meeting Room | Ask About Joining Us in the Podcast Studio


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More Than a Learning Management System (LMS)

Train workers and simplify the complexity of governance and compliance to mitigate risk with data and reporting.


Continuous Improvement

Create learning paths to make it easy for people to learn with the ability to continuously improve your trainings.


Flexible Features

Scalable and flexible user management features for users and user groups.


Competency Metrics

Quality assurance assessments and training make it easy to track training competency metrics.



Manage team’s certification and continuing education progress.

Jason Adams_Headshot_2025

Jason Adams

GM, Irth One Call & Training 

Brad E_HeadShot

Brad Eichelberger

SVP, Sales

Matt Fragale_2025

Matt Fragale

VP, Sales


Automatically trigger a monitoring activity to ensure each excavation is performed accurately and safely.

Locate Audit

Capture and score locates, identify technician training gaps, optimize field resources, and improve the accuracy of locate services and mapping.

Pre-Excavation Checklist

Ensure technicians are following regulations and processes with the Pre-Excavation Checklist form.

Damage Investigation

Collect data on critical damage, near misses, and more to help improve safety and overall processes.


Bill Wagg

Account Executive 


Adam Hooper

Account Executive


Shane Mattix

Solutions Engineer

CJ Kowalke_HeadShot_2025

CJ Kowalke

VP, Irth Training


Bill Wagg

Account Executive 


Mike Radich

Account Executive


Will McMillan

Account Executive


Adam Hooper

Account Executive


Shane Mattix

Solutions Engineer

811 Ticket Management

Checked-OutlinedComprehensive one call ticket management

Checked-OutlinedPredictive and prescriptive analytics with AI

Checked-OutlinedAutomated ticket screening, routing, and dynamic dispatching

Checked-OutlinedAutomated positive response to one call and excavators

Checked-OutlinedAccurate geo-location mapping and map layers viewable whether online or offline

Checked-OutlinedDocument and image attachments

Checked-OutlinedNative applications for iOS, Android, and Windows 

Checked-OutlinedFully configurable workflows for field operations (locate audits, damage investigations, claims processing, etc.)

Checked-OutlinedAutomated, customizable workflows

Checked-OutlinedWork portal for tasks, alerts, and notifications

Checked-OutlinedReporting and analytics featuring Microsoft Power BI

Checked-OutlinedSeamless integrations with internal and external systems

Checked-OutlinedLocate accuracy and training 

Damage Prevention - Tasks

When It Comes to Damage Prevention, Nobody Has Irth’s Experience with 811 Ticket Management

Our customers in the energy, gas utility, telecommunications, and electric utility industries have millions of miles of pipelines, cables, and critical network infrastructure that need constant, vigilant protection. We understand that one misguided excavation can result in serious injury to workers or a massive outage that could be crippling to business and communities.

By using Irth’s cloud-based platform, companies can electronically receive, respond to, and resolve excavation requests. Our solution is connected to every one call center in North America, so you can manage 811 tickets no matter where your critical network infrastructure is. Our technology is also constantly updated to adhere to regulations across all states, provinces, and territories. We’re committed to ensuring your critical assets are functioning and protected from potential damage.

Protect your critical infrastructure, improve public safety, and meet time-sensitive regulations — all from one platform.

Damage Prevention - Maps & Pins

When it comes to damage prevention, nobody has Irth’s experience with 811 ticket management.

Our customers in the energy, gas utility, telecommunications, and electric utility industries have millions of miles of pipelines, cables, and critical network infrastructure that need constant, vigilant protection. We understand that one misguided excavation can result in serious injury to workers or a massive outage that could be crippling to business and communities.

By using Irth’s cloud-based platform, companies can electronically receive, respond to, and resolve excavation requests. Our solution is connected to every one call center in North America, so you can manage 811 tickets no matter where your critical network infrastructure is. Our technology is also constantly updated to adhere to regulations across all states, provinces, and territories. We’re committed to ensuring your critical assets are functioning and protected from potential damage.

Protect your critical infrastructure, improve public safety, and meet time-sensitive regulations — all from one platform.

Media images with pulsing location dot

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